Thomas Doe
Social WorkerNulla totam rem metus nunc hendrerit ex voluptatum deleniti laboris, assumenda suspendisse, maecenas malesuada morbi a voluptate massa! Hendrerit, egestas.
Nulla totam rem metus nunc hendrerit ex voluptatum deleniti laboris, assumenda suspendisse, maecenas malesuada morbi a voluptate massa! Hendrerit, egestas.
Note that will limit ourselves to few cases but our list of success stories is endless. We just sampled few individuals. Abe club has also created success stories in school institutions in Kasigau . Abe club has helped different groups in Kasigau among them youths in sports area, helped skilled sewing women, helped widows and farmers.
In the 2019 final national examinations (KCSE) six out of thirteen students qualified to join different universities in Kenya to pursue their undergraduates. The Students are, Ngoka Chidoti, Patience Nyiro, Charity Kalambi, Esmily Mtui, Mteti Johnson and Mejumaa Mwaka. The other seven students will join other colleges. This is the highest to be recorded in one year.
Amos Makalo is one of the most successful individuals that ABE club is proud to have sponsored. He is hardworking, smart and intelligent. Currently the Director of operation of Abe club. Amos has a Degree in Finance and has worked for government Urgency in Kenya know as youth Fund, then moved to Banking where he worked as a personal Banker with NCBA Nairobi. He is a role model being emulated by many. Amos now is a very key person in the community and he does not only benefit his family but rather the society at large. Amos worked hard throughout his studies and maintained good grades.
“My life took a different turn immediately I was offered the sponsorship to enable me join high school. I knew this was the golden chance to be a better person in future, to uplift my family from poverty and be of great help to my society. Before this only students from well off families were proceeding with their education to high school. That’s why in our family of eleven I am the only student to have gone past high school and third to have gone past primary. Being the last born , raised by a widow with no source of income had no any hope of education despite my good grades. Here I am today, am very grateful and thus asking well wishers not to tire in uplifting other children to a better tomorrow. Long live Abe club” Emotional Amos said in our interview
Haggai Jumapili Dio
Jora Primary school – 1996-2007 (338 marks)
Moi high school Kasighau – 2008-2011 (C+)
Daystar University – 2014-2017
Currently working at the ministry of Labour and social protection, state department of children’s services.
“I really thank the ABE club from the deepest part of my heart. Immediately I cleared primary education I didn’t have hopes to join high school because my parents were not able to raise school fees by then But through ABE I was able to study at Moi high school Kasighau from form 1 to 4. Mr Amos has been involving me in ABE talks with current beneficiaries and it has been a great opportunity to share ideas with pupils from different backgrounds. It is time to give back to the community and I will always be ready to support ABE because it impacted my life positively. Thank you!” Haggai narrated
Mariam Suleiman is a brilliant young woman from Bungule Village. She has a high affinity for education and her effort is exemplary. She is unique. However, her zeal for education saw her move from Bungule Primary to Mwasere Girls High School where she did her O levels in the year 2009.
After the result, it was clear that the young woman had faced the right direction as far as education and career was concerned. She scored a B- grade which would carry her either to a university as a parallel student or take her to a well-known college. But she immediately chose the path of volunteer with ABE club as an interpreter during the HIV/AIDs education program in early 2010. Late 2010, she volunteered as librarian at Army Nichols Center Bungule.
Mariam’s Father had been involved in an accident at the construction site and could not raise the money for his daughter’s college education. She applied for a course in the medical field, where she was to do her medicine course. Luckily enough she was called to join Kenya Medical Training College in the year 2012 with a promise of full sponsorship from ABE club, which materialized. The course on clinical medicine ran for three years. Thanks to ABE Club and the sponsors, at no point did Mariam lack school fees. In the year 2014, Mariam’s sponsors visited Kenya and celebrated two years of her medicine career. She was up to the task and that impressed the sponsor so much. She says “it was the most amazing thing I have ever thought”.
In February, 2016 she joined her internship program at Msambweni referral Hospital and the program is to run for one year.She Currently works at Kasigau health center.
We therefore attach Mariam’s success with the good-hearted individuals who decided that Africa and not only Africa, but Kenya and in particular Taita and Bungule, to try and lift the lives of our young brothers and sisters.
Name: Granton Matasa
BSc. Agribusiness
College: Rongo University
Year of Graduation: 2018
Granton Maghanga is one of the beneficiaries of the ABE club sponsorship program. Having come from a poor background, Granton remains a very focused and bright young man with an exceptional desire to teach. In fact, as I write, he is working as a volunteer teacher at Bungule primary school.
“I tried my best to score a B plain given that I was the school overall leader and a candidate at the same time” Granton encored in our recent interview with him, he continued..
” life from the beggining looked a nightmare from my side ,but through reading books such “enemy of the people ” the writer being a testimony from abject poverty like me , I made a commitment from very early stage of my life never to loose hope .Being second born from a family of seven , i was indeed aware of my uncertainity about the future ,Abe club came as a last resort to my hopes and grabbed the chance and since highschool to graduation , I must admit that it is a miracle to have made this far .I am sincerely grateful for the sponsorship and i made a vow to also be a change into the lives of other needy and bright students not only in my community but the country with all that lies ahead . I will forever be grateful and always a proud Alumni of Abe club .God bless Abe club ,Long live Abe ”.
Jackson exhibits one of the most spectacular and interesting careers, which makes him the first aerospace engineer in Kasigau region. His career path shifted from Kenya to China on what was an advanced path.
Upon completion of his O levels, he worked for ABE Club cyber for a few months while applying for a course in aeronautical engineering with the Kenya Aeronautical College and luckily enough it paid off and he joined the college in 2013. “I had to choose between my career and the course that I was offered in the public university, and I actually took a risk and choose to look for the college that offered my course” Jackson wrote. “It was very disturbing since all the colleges I applied were way too expensive. I finally settled for Kenya aeronautical College since it was fair” he emphasized.
Time came, in March 2013, that Jackson walked the corridors of his college to undertake his studies. Luck enough ABE Club had begun the TSTI Program. The family entered into an agreement with the club on partial fee payment. In fact, it was one year and the boy had to proceed to Shenyang Aerospace University in China to complete his studies. Jackson not only is he smart, he has the passion and commitments to making his dream come true.
In the year 2017 January, Jackson graduated and now he is in internship with the Kenya Airways. From us the ABE team we say Congratulations!
Timothy Kithuka was born Kisimenyi, which is a village on the lower suburbs of Kiteghe. He went to Kisimenyi primary school and thereafter preceded to Moi High School for his Kenya Certificate of Secondary School. I managed to interview Timothy one-on-one and it was evident that he is a classy man. He is brilliant and energized, can move on tough decisions and mentor others.
Timothy progressed well in his high school studies after he was awarded sponsorship by Abe club. He managed average grades that would allow him focus on what career to undertake.
Timothy is a very successful teacher i, last time when we met he was teaching in Zungulukani primary school. We attach to this success of Timothy to the efforts of Abe club and its generous donors
Lidia Mukei Muinde is one of the beneficiaries of ABE Club sponsorship program. A very jovial yet courageous and smart young woman to recon in the lower suburbs of Kisimenyi. We earn Lidia’s success and personalize it to ABE Club for it looks and appears to be a case of extreme poverty and needy situation. In short, had it not been for ABE, Lydia would not have gone anywhere near a learning institution.
Lidia was awarded the sponsorship and she quickly settled at Moi High School. As a matter of fact, somehow her background shaped and propelled her desire for education. she knew what she was after and the path to follow. She was a very focused student.
Damah comes from a relatively big, single parented nuclear family. Being the second born and with the first born not proceeded to high school, Damah thrived to be the ray of light for the family. After her primary schools, she got a letter to join Moi High school Kasigau. But there was the common problem, Finance. Yes, finances for school fees in the suburbs of Africa is a tone in the flesh. Many have suffered and without any hope of the future are still languishing in poverty. Her mum could not take her to school since her day labor payments from the jua kali food kiosks at Rukanga Market could only give them the basic needs.
Damah joined Moi high school, being an ABE Club fully sponsored student in 2011. She must have exercised the highest level of discipline in her four years of study. This is because, on overall, I could tress Damah as the only student who could work in the school during her vacation to at least have her pocket money. She could therefore use the library for her studies and curriculum coverage. She was determined and until her KSCE, had it not been for some other home issues which took her attention during her study time, Damah would have scored very good grade. With all these struggles, Damah attained a minigrade of C- in her KCSE.
Damah currently in her attachment program is happy for her progress so far. She is real focused to making sure that she attains her goal and puts smiles to her family. She believes that one day her family will have a torch bearer.
Her words to fellow students!
“To my fellow student, sponsored by ABE club, please work extra smart for your future and also be able to remain in the sponsorship program. I understand with the current rules, you ought to work hard to guarantee your future fees payment. It’s all for your benefits. Please take the chance and run with it. There is time for everything. And this time is for you to make your future” she said. There is more installed for you, especially with the introduction of TSTI program, nothing and I repeat, nothing should make you not become what you want to become. Stay focused.
“ABE Club fully supports students and in response, students should work hard so as to uplift their future endeavors, also to see that the sponsors money is not thrown to waste. I sincerely thank ABE Club on behalf of my fellow sponsored students. May the good Lord bless you all.”
“I never had a chance to say thank you to my sponsor after a very helpful moment of more than four years of sponsorship, but with such a vibrant idea am happy and I extend my sincere thanks to every one working around the clock to know what ABE did for us. It was marvelous “records Masai”.
Irene is a very intelligent young lady. Given the rare opportunity, she worked very smart on achieving her dreams. She was and still remains some very focused personnel, her studies were key and she remained on the course to perform well. Yes, there were many challenges that would have waivered her potential to achieve her dreams such as lack of basic commodities but her focus was tip top. She eyed the price and after the fourth year she got a grade that would see her transit to city college for her certificate in tour guiding.
Irene graduated in the year 2011, and then went to work in Kwale before going back to study her diploma in the year 2013. She then graduated in the year 2015. March 2016 she was called for on the job training at Kenya wildlife, which is a tour company. To date she is in this company and is optimistic that one day she will have her own company.
We shift our attention to one interesting story of Juliana Katini. A very social young lady with a certificate in hotel management, currently working for Sarova Hotel in Mombasa.
After her secondary education, Juliana went to a volunteer ship program with the ABE Club, this time around she was centered at Army Nichols community in the year 2009, where together with others ABE Sponsored student formed a volunteer program. She was the secretary of the group and a very active member of the group. Occasionally, this group will visit the Rukanga and Makwasinyi dispensary for their volunteering programs. They would do some cleaning and slashing to keep the health facilities around hygienic.
Today Juliana is working at the Sarova Hotel Mombasa and is grateful for ABE’s assistance, she appreciates all that was done by the club for the betterment of her life. She is optimistic that soon she will further her studies to diploma. She humbly therefore asked for sponsorship to further her studies. “if ABE will sponsor me for my diploma then I will be happier. The job market is saturated with similar certificates that make us under-paid or exploited since we are many and desperate to start working anywhere. Certificate is something but when in the job market, it’s very difficult to get a well-paying Job.
We pride Juliana for her effort and the zeal of making something out of her life. Once Juliana worked at the 3BH when the founder Mr. Steve and his family was around. She is hardworking and any help to further her studies will be highly appreciated.
Mrs. Elizabeth, a food and beverage specialist, also happened to have been sponsored by ABE club in her high school and college. a very disciplined girl, however, from a relatively poor family, and she needed education. Even though she had joined Moi High School there was no guarantee that she would finish studying her high school education.
“ABE helped me to be who I am. Am very grateful for their support, they were and still remain a caring family. Our community is happy, my family is happy and am the happiest. I believe they are the people we needed to help us in our animosity. In a very long time we’ve suffered, especially the bright needy children from dropping out of school. but now we are sure of that our brothers and sisters will be secured.”
College: Mt. Kenya University
Year of Graduation: 2016
Flory Kilingo is one of our successful woman we have and are proud of as ABE Club. Apart from her humble background, she has a very unique and focused character which saw her do exceedingly well in her high school level
2009, when Flory was just in Form Two, ABE came in to save her from the looming effect that looked ahead due to lack of fees. She was happy and relieved of the great burden that the family was to raise for her stay in school. we pride Flory’s focus and self-drive that sees her to be who she is. When ABE Club came in to sponsor Flory’s education, it is evident that the family was very happy and she was one very bright student.
Flory graduated in July 2016, and now as we write, she is looking for a job in the Kenyan job market. We the ABE club wish her all the best and still believe that our efforts did count. Today we believe that her family will not be in the same state it was some years back. With a graduate in their midst the family has more hopes and believes in a better future.
“I thank the ABE club, and more so the founder Mr. Steve Isaacs and the family for every support in my life. I appreciate also the donors who sacrifice each dollar for the Kasigau child. You are our parents and if you can make it to Kenya one of these fine days then you are very much welcome.” Said Flory.
Alice is the wife to Ibrahim Mwambonu and a mum to Haggai and Isaac. In the midst of family ties and family challenges, Alice proves to be dedicated student and a good scholar. We saw her graduating in 2013 with a bachelor in Education and this was made possible by the ABE club sponsorship program.
Alice says “I had not started my studies, I wouldn’t even have started due to lack of money, However ABE enabled me to start.” She was determined from the word go. It made great relief to her and the family was so much exited of her enrolling for the degree program.
“Abe club has become a dependable organization that need to be supported. It has raised the hopes of many to achieve their dreams who would have otherwise be doomed with their great brains being wasted. Thanks to the sponsors who are sacrificing much to make us who we are today. Their impact is being felt in the society and I highly appreciate ABE. Long live ABE!” echoed Alice.
“I met ABE Club in 2006 when I joined Mo High school. My father who works as a watchman and my mum a peasant farmer could not raise my high school fees”, started off Margaret. But thanks to ABE Club sponsorship program. A third born of a family of six she was the the first one to have made it to high school, thanks to Abe club.
2011, Margaret enrolled for a diploma in social and community development for just two years before there was a communication breakdown thus couldn’t finish her studies. She real appreciates the fact that ABE had decided to sponsor her higher levels of studies.
“ABE is a very helpful club. I understand what it is to be without education and then a sponsor comes and helps our family in raising my fees. It is encouraging and uplifting. I thank the founders and the sponsors for the good job that they are doing to our community. Your effort is and will continue to count in our lives.”
Year of Graduation:
Dorothy a mother of four and a devoted ECD teacher but before that Dorothy was a housewife although ambitious to study and earn when employed.
Just before then, 2007 Mrs. Maza started to work as a PTA teacher at Bungule Primary. School. In 2008 therefore meant she could join her course on vocational basis. Being a very hardworking teacher, she did everything possible to balance class work and family matters. She could work for the whole term and use her vacation for her studies at Taita DESED center at Kenyatta High School. While doing so, ABE club offered her full sponsorship and that made her begin her journey towards her dream. She relentlessly approached her studies and made each piece stand.
When asked what she had to say about ABE, here is her response “ABE club came into my life at a point where I had given up on my studies. To me it is an eye opener and that if it were not for their efforts to enable me begin my studies, I wouldn’t have done anything on my own. Thanks to ABE Club since it was a worth starter. With ABE’s effort, I believe many will realize their dreams fully. God bless ABE Club and more so the Isaacs family for such a great idea.”
Douglas Dzombo, a primary school teacher is also among the people we looking at to understand their lifestyle with keen interest. Coming from Sasenyi, a place with a harsh environment, and a treat to many who ended up without education
Everybody around him was happy for the help that had come at a point they least expected. If asked whether it was a coincidence or lucky, everybody was mesmerized by the initiative, equally unbelievable but welcomed and reliable way of making sure that poor children, and very bright could access education. Dzombo was one of them.
Four years of secondary school were fully taken care of by ABE club. He recalls that his parents didn’t pay even a shilling for his high school education. Thanks to the donors that were and are sacrificing big to ensure that we produce professional out of a wide pool of economic parities. In fact, Douglas says that his family were in no position to pay for his school fees and all hopes were on ABE Club.
“I feel grateful and humbled to be part of ABE club family. I really don’t have enough words to say thank you to Mr. Steve, Madam Kathy and all the irreplaceable sponsors. What they did to my family and I is more than words can express. Let me say marvelous for lucky of another word. Thank you ABE Club” said Dzombo.
Ruphence Mwasi happens to be one of the beneficiaries of the great ABE club sponsorship too. Coming from a humble poor background makes her to focus much of her energy on her high school studies and match her expectation in the long run.
Actually it was in 2008, when ABE made contact to Ruphence and offered her the fully four years’ sponsorship. Sources, confirm that had it not been for ABE support, Ruphence wouldn’t have pursed her high school education.
“my family was very happy and according to my own analysis, from my families background it was a hard task raising my fees and that was going to be a very hard task” analyzed Ruphence.
Ruphence is currently practicing her teaching in a high school on the upper suburbs of central Kenya. She is part and parcel of the great work that ABE is tirelessly doing. We are ensuring the we produce more topnotch professionals thus enhance employment ability and skill dependence to eradicate the looming poverty.
“I greatly benefited from ABE club and pray that it stays on course and alive so as to bring hope to the hopeless, bring light to the darkest part of our region as far as education is concerned and awaken all the dreams that looks to be shuttered. It’s possible and evident. So shall it be. Again thank you for the great support.” ended Ruphence.
YEAR OF STUDY: 2017-2018
Sometimes we take discrete and undisputed measure of sponsoring the very need. The following case is not exceptional and maybe among the highly rated need cases and we are almost solving the puzzle by extending our sponsorship to her.
Chao comes from one of the humble background in Bungule village. She is the last born among six (6) siblings who were equally bright but never accessed secondary education. reason being known to us. Poverty. Yes, she was growing with this attitude that as her siblings didn’t make it to high school, maybe things would have been the same too. Fortunately, her brave and fair hard work paidand Abeclub was there for her.
Her discipline in school was remarkable, her dedication incomparable and her hard work visible. I tend to think that people of her characteristics are rare to find and scarcely populated in our God given planet. She might have had the determination that was deeply rooted and stabilized enough. Never to waiver on academic pivot and always remember the poor background. Such pathetic history can be argued to have both positive and negative impact. Some school of thought can attach it to trauma and discrimination, others think its stirs up the spirit of hard work.
Elipinah completed her studies and she is currently a teacher in one of the private schools in Kasigau. We are wishing her well.
Maggy Kalaghe, a student at Kenya medical training college and a nurse in the making. Apart from being an orphan we want to look unto what was the driving factors that puts her at her current course. We pride ourselves for the contribution that we have done in shaping such precious life. As Maggy explains her then situation, a good comparison will articulate an analytic person who was driven by one percent (1%) chance and ninety-nine (99%) faith. And when the chance came her way she grabbed and made use of it fully.
2012, Maggy joined Voi secondary school for her O Levels. It wasn’t easy for her to come to terms with the fact that, she had no parents of her own but a guardian to see her fees through. Difficult situations were paramount and real. Unavoidable, frequent in and out of school during her two years in high school.“The two years were unbearable. You learn half the term and the rest you are out, wondering where the guardian will find the fees for the rest of the term” she was still believing and nothing waved the fact that she was going to be through one day.
It was a comeback and rejuvenation of study life. She was to indeed rise above the situation. She was to show the true color of a hopeful individual and yes the rest of her study years were buried in the pages of books. No worries of fees any more as ABE Club had taken care of that. Such chances are great opportunities for people who see a finished house when it is just a marble. In the year 2014 Maggy sat for her Kenyan certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E) and then the results were out the following year. She had scored a grade that was enough to take her to medical in college. She was to settle for her second profession that was nursing and stayed on course.
“Abe club is a wonderful and caring club, it has programs which have benefited many and enable them pursue their dreams and gives them the courage and determination to work hard having been assured sponsorship. Thank you so much for your support. You are a parent to many, God bless you” echoed Maggy.
currently employed and working in a hospital in Voi area, wishing her the very best in her career.
Elizabeth Mole is also among the students who benefited from the TSTI program. After her Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.) in the year 2015, she got stack up with proceeding to college because the family couldn’t afford the high college fees.
Elizabeth therefore, made a courageous approach to ABE director on the ground, Mr. Amos Makalo and after a critical analysis of her situation, she was awarded the sponsorship to go and pursue her medical carrier. It’s worth noting that, such alarming situation get our attention as ABE personnel on the ground since a girl child if not well cared for might be exposed to uneasy life and even misuse by the rich.
When asked about ABE Club, Liz had this to say “ABE Club is the best club that does its best to help vulnerable, bright and need students to purse their dreams. Otherwise many would have been stranded because if lack of school fees. I will live to appreciate their generosity.”
She is now serving the community and indeed a true helper to the society, she is admired by many for her success and Abe club is proud to be associated with Eliza.
“I joined Moi High school in the year 2006” started Dorothy. This story is about how ABE came to identify itself and changed the life of Dorothy, a lady from Rungaka Village and who is disabled. When she was joining Moi high school , her mum was not sure that her daughter will be able to complete her high school studies since she was very poor. During her first term in Moi high school, she was called by the principle and asked to write a letter to ABE requesting for sponsorship. It was not long she was awarded the scholarship and settled in for her studies.
The four years went on smoothly. Nothing could worry her studies. In fact fees were paid during the beginning of the year which meant therefore at no point was she required to go back home for anything like fees. The high school season were good times and at some point there were give a ways to handle minor upkeep, again ABE did it. If it’s a question of lucky then she was very lucky.
Four years of intensive studies ended when she sat for her KCSE and was due as per the laws and regulations by the Kenya laws and curriculum. She believes her basic education came because someone somewhere was in a position to sponsor her education. I second and fully support her views. Had it not been ABE maybe her disability status would have become a liability in the long run. But that is not the case. Infact, immediately she had completed her high school, ABE made it possible for her to proceed to study some basic computer skills. What in Kenya is called Basic Computer operator end user, for three months. She then moved to work in the ABE Club cyber, she did the typing, typesetting, printing and other computer related tasks. These tasks earned her some small shilling for the day.
In 2012 while still working in the ABE cyber, ABE Club decided to buy her a plot at Rukanga Market and the piece of land was registered under her name and further a business/house structure constructed for her. This gesture is a from the big hearted ABE family. According to her she never imagined that such a big gesture was to be extended her direction. She was more surprised when this family engineered the purchases of all other house necessities such as bed, table and chairs. The house was further installed with electricity again it was the ABE Family that helped her with the installation expenses and settling the bill with the Kenya power and lighting company. It was big boost to again because it therefore meant that she was to transact all the other cyber activities within her premises.
The Abe club thereafter bought her a printer and using money from her other proceedings and present from Abe she acquired a laptop and settled for the cyber business. “ ABE has been a loving club to me. Am not only amazed by their support but really appreciate their efforts in making me who I am. I had a son in between through rape which was very traumatizing, and thought that was going to be the end of their support, however the reverse was true. In fact my son bonded me with ABE so much. ABE is a very supportive and caring family. GOD blesses ABE Founder the Mr. Isaacs , Madam Kathy and their family.” She said
NOTE: The list of success story is endless, we have mpore testimonials of the great work Abeclub has done for individuals some of which mentioned above, institutions and the society at large. For the period we have worked in Kasigau we have been a blessing to many.