Jackson exhibits one of the most spectacular and interesting careers, which makes him the first aerospace engineer in Kasigau region. His career path shifted from Kenya to China on what was an advanced path.


Upon completion of his O levels, he worked for ABE Club cyber for a few months while applying for a course in aeronautical engineering with the Kenya Aeronautical College and luckily enough it paid off and he joined the college in 2013. “I had to choose between my career and the course that I was offered in the public university, and I actually took a risk and choose to look for the college that offered my course” Jackson wrote. “It was very disturbing since all the colleges I applied were way too expensive. I finally settled for Kenya aeronautical College since it was fair” he emphasized.

Time came, in March 2013, that Jackson walked the corridors of his college to undertake his studies. Luck enough ABE Club had begun the TSTI Program. The family entered into an agreement with the club on partial fee payment. In fact, it was one year and the boy had to proceed to Shenyang Aerospace University in China to complete his studies. Jackson not only is he smart, he has the passion and commitments to making his dream come true.

In the year 2017 January, Jackson graduated and now he is in internship with the Kenya Airways. From us the ABE team we say Congratulations!

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