Amos Makalo is one of the most successful individuals that ABE club is proud to have sponsored. He is hardworking, smart and intelligent. Currently the Director of operation of Abe club. Amos has a Degree in Finance and has worked for government Urgency in Kenya know as youth Fund, then moved to Banking where he worked as a personal Banker with NCBA Nairobi. He is a role model being emulated by many. Amos now is a very key person in the community and he does not only benefit his family but rather the society at large. Amos worked hard throughout his studies and maintained good grades.

My life took a different turn immediately I was offered the sponsorship to enable me join high school. I knew this was the golden chance to be a better person in future, to uplift my family from poverty and be of great help to my society. Before this only students from well off families were proceeding with their education to high school. That’s why in our family of eleven I am the only student to have gone past high school and third to have gone past primary. Being the last born , raised by a widow with no source of income had no any hope of education despite my good grades. Here I am today, am very grateful and thus asking well wishers not to tire in uplifting other children to a better tomorrow. Long live Abe club” Emotional Amos said in our interview

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