ABECLUB focus on Education

Education is our main Focus

We strive to offer a better education to bright needy students in Kasighau area. ABEclub has over the years developed success stories through sponsorship programs.

The current Director of operations at ABEclub is a beneficiary of the sponsorship through Kenyatta University where he pursued his degree in Finance. There are many other success stories. We support education by:


To walk the talk of A better education, ABECLUB offers sponsorship to bright needy students from Kasigau area. Students have to maintain good grades through their studies for them to be awarded fees. We sponsor students from primary school to high schools through to university and colleges. ABECLUB  sponsored forty three (43) in 2018 and forty four (44) students in 2019 to boarding primary, also sponsored seventy(70) in 2018 and  eighty four (84)  Students to high school in 2019 and 15 post-secondary learners in 2018 and 2019,this numbers will keep growing each year. This program has benefited at least 600 students from Kasigau since 2004 and we have a number of success stories. Education is our main focus and thus this program is our key project, for more information check our success stories.

Academic Camp

This program is meant for high school sponsored students mainly to motivate  and guide them .  All high school students are required to attend an academic camp sponsored by ABECLUB.  during the camp learners are given the chance to interact with different professionals, Motivational speakers and spiritual guidance, role models and mentors  . This event currently  being undertaken once every year. [rl_gallery id=”138″]

Primary School Support- Academic Olympiad

ABECLUB Sponsors one exam per term for the schools around the hill, and then awards the winners of the academic Olympiad. This helps in creating competition among the schools.Recently we included other five more schools in Kasigau area bring a total to eleven schools in this program. This program also helps Abeclub to select sponsorship beneficiaries.

Teachers Workshop

ABECLUB funds teachers workshop each year the teachers and the learners interact with Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) to give more directions on the National Exams Requirement.

Menses/ Pads

This project targets the girl child in all the schools in Kasighau. These pads are made by a group of trained women who move around schools trying to sensitize and deliver the pads to the girls. in 2018 Abeclub managed to reach as far as Zungulukani Primary School. ABECLUB Pays for the materials and then buys the pads from those women.

Remedial Teachers

ABECLUB Pays salaries for some teachers in Kasigau to help in covering the shortages in of teachers in schools. For students to get better education, teachers to student ration is very key. With more resources will work to ensure schools in Kasigau attain the required teacher- students ration.As at 2019 Abeclub was paying 6 teachers. There is a demand for more teachers in almost every school, but we are limited by resources.

ECD Support

ABECLUB gives material support to schools in Kasighau, Both Learning and playing materials. We have given ten mattresses to all the six ECD centres around the hill. ABECLUB went further to give porridge for almost all ECD schools in Kasighau.  ABECLUB has hired 6 ECD teachers in the six schools around the hill [rl_gallery id=”135″]


ABECLUB also appreciates that not everybody has a gift for academics. 
Those gifted in sports also get a platform to showcase their talents. ABECLUB supports a football league every year. with the aim of targeting talented youth in the village. The best players then get a chance to play with other teams outside Kasighau area.
This way they too can showcase their talents.
ABECLUB also supports other sporting activities such as marathon

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